Work Related Stress among Staff Nurses at a Private Hospital in Singapore

Author Details

Nancy Justine, Fenny Justine, Esther Declara Gani, Geraldine Stephen, Kasmah Yamin, Beatrice Hailis Sebastian, Tukimin Sansuito, Regidor-111 Dioso

Journal Details


Published: 20 June 2018 | Article Type :


This study hoped to determine work related stress among nurses in a private hospital in Singapore. A quantitative descriptive study design specifically a cross sectional was used. Convenience sampling technique selected 60 nurse respondents to answer the self administered questionnaire. There was a probability of work related stress (p=0.0002) as compared to that of without (p=0.04). In Singapore, some point of stress was required for success.

Keywords: cross-sectional, nurses, Singapore, stress.

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How to Cite


Nancy Justine, Fenny Justine, Esther Declara Gani, Geraldine Stephen, Kasmah Yamin, Beatrice Hailis Sebastian, Tukimin Sansuito, Regidor-111 Dioso. (2018-06-20). "Work Related Stress among Staff Nurses at a Private Hospital in Singapore." *Volume 1*, 1, 29-33